Tag Archive: Olive oil

Make You Want Some Misr

Have you ever visitedĀ a restaurant not knowing what to expect despite the rave reviews and the allureĀ of a fabulous meal? Have you ever gone to that type of restaurant and been thoroughly impressed?… Continue reading

Friday Night Fish Tales (Moroccan-Spiced Hot Fish)

This blog post is dedicated to the loving memory of my late father-in-law, Yair Shatil. I hope you’re having a badass time in heaven and keeping an eye on your beautiful family. We… Continue reading

The Poor Man’s Meal (Lentil Soup)

What is it about peasant food that makes it so delicious? Why is it so popular? As a matter of fact, what is it? Basically, it’s anything our impoverished predecessors created to make… Continue reading

…and you must use GOOD olive oil

There are times when I go into the kitchen and I have no idea what the hell I want to make. I open my fridge, which is usually full of goods, and say… Continue reading

Fresh pasta’s on my mind

I think it’s pretty safe to say that everyone enjoys pasta. If you don’t….well let’s just say Dante has a special place for you in his literature. (Joking). This versatile staple of the… Continue reading